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Welcome to No Strings Dating. Casual Dating and Encounters

Does the idea of free casual dating get your pulse racing? Are you up for it all of the time? Do you want to have casual dates with Ireland’s passionate ladies? You’re in the right place! If you’re up for it all the time and want to have fun without falling into the trap of a boring relationship, you need to join No Strings Dating today.

No Strings Dating is Irelands’ best free casual dating site because we help you flirt, swap selfies and meet up for free. All we want is to help you find adult contacts for free. We pride ourselves on making casual meet ups happen and helping lads get some every night of the week.

Enjoy Casual Dating

Our goal is to help you enjoy casual dating with Ireland’s naughtiest ladies. What’s the point of having hot one night stands if you don’t enjoy them? We do everything in our power to ensure that you can enjoy every second as a member of No Strings Dating!

As a member, you’ll be able to create your own profile, upload photos (the naughtier the better) and search for singles. You are in control at every phase. With our search engine, you could be meeting Irelands’ wonderful women with just a few taps of your phone.

Have Casual Encounters

What does a casual encounter mean to you? Is it meeting up once for a cheeky night and never seeing each other again? Is it making new friends with benefits to call after a night out with the lads? Is it multiple partners who are into all kinds of things like no stings dating in your local area and more?

If you said yes to all of the above, No Strings Dating is the dating site for you! Casual dating is whatever you want it to be. There are no rules – except that you are actively looking for meet ups without falling into a relationship. Our members don’t want a boyfriend or to date, they want hot, fun dating!

As a member of No Strings Dating, you can make your experiences completely bespoke to you. You may have unusual interests that you want to explore, and with us, you can do that with zero commitments or pressures!

No Strings Dating

Are you looking to relive the excitement and thrill of the first conversation, the first date, the first kiss, or more? We’re here to help you explore your desires in a secure and trusted environment. Everyone gets bored at some point, right? Join our open-minded community online today and search for others that share your desires.

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Discreet Encounters

Play ‘Encounters’ and discover who your matches are within seconds. This feature is for active members looking to chat and meet new people. Swipe left or right to let someone know whether you are interested in them and turn immediate attraction into much, much more.

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Our Service

No Strings Dating is a service that caters for your desires. Each member has their own reason for joining. It’s our job to help them find like-minded individuals looking for the same secure, stress-free encounter. We give our members the opportunity to get the thrill they want without the need for physical meets - unless they want to, of course!

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Still Curious?

If you’re ready to speak to or even meet someone new, sign up for free today and search our community for members with the same desires. It won’t cost you a penny to sign up and have a look around! No Strings Dating is a safe, secure and discreet environment - your secret is safe with us!

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